Capture some cool winter photos; I was excited at what I saw (click this title to view post)

I live in North Carolina and was so happy to see the snow falling heavily throughout the day on Wednesday. The next day, I layered up and hiked around our neighborhood and a local park. I was happy to see other people out and about – sledders, joggers, hikers, people out walking their dogs, kids building snowmen, and people like me trying to capture the joy and wonder.

I hope if you got snow in your area, you were able to STOP to take a break and enjoy it.





In my first blog post about the photos that got away, I mentioned how I came across a blue heron with an orange koi fish in its mouth while walking at a local park in Ohio. I was at the right place at the right time, but unfortunately I didn’t have my Nikon digital camera with me to capture it. Well, yesterday I was SOOOOOOO excited to encounter a blue heron while I was out taking photos. I was about 18 feet away when I first saw him. I took a few steps towards him, but did so quietly and slowly so as not to spook him. Then I got down on my knees, inched a little closer, and began taking photos. Below are my two favorite photos of him. The second one I took just before he flew off. The pond made for a nice (simple) background in these photos.


I really enjoyed exploring around and everyone I met was relaxed and having fun. Below are some photos I took that captured the joy. I focused primarily on people with colorful outfits since the color stands out well against the snow.




Below are my favorite photos from this winter. I took the photo of the water fountain after several days of cold weather in December. I like that the fountain is frozen on one side and flowing on the other. The rest of the photos I took yesterday. I love tree branches when they’re capped with snow.




Happy Winter!!!

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12 thoughts on “Capture some cool winter photos; I was excited at what I saw (click this title to view post)

  1. Beth Ramsey says:

    These are beautiful photos! I particularly love the ones with the bright color contrasts like the two people in the red and blue jackets walking along the path and the snowy branch against the blue sky.


  2. Becky says:

    These are all really cool, Kathy! I especially like the blue heron with the striated frozen pond in the background. Glad you were in the right place & time WITH your camera this time!


  3. Camille Hartman says:

    Your photos are beautiful! Thanks for sharing them. There’s beauty in all of God’s creation, even storms create gorgeous results!


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